Goldilocks and the 3 Bears

We have started a unit on folktales and fairytales, beginning with the story of Goldilocks and the 3 Bears.  This week we read Jan Brett’s version, and then retold the story in writing, saying what happened at the beginning, middle, and end of the story.  Later we read a slightly changed version called “Dusty Locks and the Three Bears”, which is set in a wild west town.  In this telling, Dusty Locks is a little girl who never bathes, hence her name.  She visits the bears’ house, eats their porridge, breaks the chair, and falls asleep in the bed, just like the traditional version.  The surprise comes at the end, when Dusty’s mother makes her take a bath, and the bears pass her on the street without recognizing her.  We discussed with partners what was the same and what was different between Dusty Locks and Goldilocks.  On Friday we read “Somebody and the Three Blairs.”  This story really twists the folktale: the Blairs, a nice human family, go out for a walk.  While they are gone Somebody (Baby Bear) decides to break into their house, and he causes all sorts of mischief.  The funniest moment comes at the end, when Baby Blair discovers Somebody sleeping in his bed and says “Issa big teddy bear!”  The kids loved it!

To extend our learning and reading, I turned the dress up centre into the Three Bears’ house.  With three bowls, three spoons, three pillows, and masks from the drama room, students have been having lots of fun acting out the story.  I love hearing the cries of “This porridge is too hot!” and “Someone’s been sitting in my chair!”