Gingerbread Man on the Loose!

Continuing our gingerbread activities, yesterday we baked cookies.  (Thanks to the moms who helped!)  Students got to roll out the dough, cut out a gingerbread boy or girl, and decorate it before it went in the oven.  We used the scraps to make a giant gingerbread man, and left him cooling in the staffroom after school yesterday.  When we went back this morning to eat him, all that was left was a crumb!  But there was also a note saying “Run, run as fast as you can, you can’t catch me, I’m the gingerbread man.  Look in Jeff’s Office”.  Our gingerbread man had gone on an adventure!  Fortunately, he left notes so we tracked him to the library, the dance studio, the art room, and finally into the office.  Mrs. Bayntun said she smelled something really good yesterday when she was working, and what did we find hiding under her desk?  The gingerbread man!  We ate him as soon as we got back to the classroom so he couldn’t escape again!