Jungle Book and Rudyard Kipling

Well, it has been a few weeks since I have blogged because things have been very busy at school since spring break.  The Jungle Book show is fast approaching, and we have been busy practicing and preparing costumes.

We have also started reading the original “Jungle Book” and exploring the story through drama. We are doing what’s called a role drama, which means the teacher assumes a role as well as the students. You may have seen me dressed up as Rudyard Kipling! The students became wolf cubs and advised the wolf leader Akela what he should do about the man cub. They wrote some very persuasive letters! This week we are going to explore the relationships between Mowgli, Bagheera, and Baloo and create tableaux. We also wrote questions to ask Rudyard Kipling, so I have some research to do before he makes his next appearance!