Ready for the Bare Necessities!

Tomorrow is the big day… our Jungle Book performance!  We had a great rehearsal on Monday, the students got to perform on the stage wearing their costumes.  It is was lots of fun being in a real theatre and seeing what it is like onstage and backstage.   We had a chance to be in the audience as well and see the whole dress rehearsal.  It is looking good!  Our costume boxes are packed, and ready to be loaded on the buses first thing in the morning.  Don’t forget to have students wear their costumes to school tomorrow so they’re ready for the afternoon performance, and to meet back at the theatre at 6:15 for the evening show.  There are still a few tickets left for the evening performance, and lots for the afternoon show.  The students are so excited to perform, it will be a fabulous show!

Jungle Book Tableaux

This week we have been reading the second book of the Jungle Book (rather than chapters, the book is divided into three long books.)  In the section we just read, Mowgli has been learning the laws of the jungle from Baloo, who sometimes hits him when he doesn’t listen or is cheeky.  Bagheera disapproves, and doesn’t think the child should be beaten, but Baloo has his own way.  We’ve talked as a class about how this is different from the movie, and different from what is acceptable today.

To explore the events of the story, and the relationship between characters, students created tableaux in drama.  A tableau is like a frozen picture, the actors are not moving or speaking, and the audience closes their eyes or looks away as the actors get ready so that the tableau is a surprise.  In groups of two or three, students chose an event from the story and decided how to show it in two tableaux.  The tableaux were quite powerful, as you can see from the photos.


**April 16 update – To comply with Burnaby School District guidelines for sharing online photos of students these images were removed.  Please email me if you are interested in seeing them.

Jungle Book and Rudyard Kipling

Well, it has been a few weeks since I have blogged because things have been very busy at school since spring break.  The Jungle Book show is fast approaching, and we have been busy practicing and preparing costumes.

We have also started reading the original “Jungle Book” and exploring the story through drama. We are doing what’s called a role drama, which means the teacher assumes a role as well as the students. You may have seen me dressed up as Rudyard Kipling! The students became wolf cubs and advised the wolf leader Akela what he should do about the man cub. They wrote some very persuasive letters! This week we are going to explore the relationships between Mowgli, Bagheera, and Baloo and create tableaux. We also wrote questions to ask Rudyard Kipling, so I have some research to do before he makes his next appearance!

Math Games Symbaloo

I thought I’d give a tour of some of the math games on my Symbaloo, since they are a fun way to practice math at home.  Open up the Symbaloo so you can explore some of the games that look interesting.  Blue dots are for either grade, while orange dots are aimed at Grade 2s and green dots are aimed at Grade 3s.  Obviously students can explore any of the games, Grade 3s wanting some extra practice might spend some time playing on orange dot game and Grade 2s wanting a challenge can tackle a green dot one.  If you’d like to know what games your child would benefit most from, just ask me or Ms. Harrison.

Flyover Canada

Last week we went to Flyover Canada to celebrate the end of our Amazing Race Canada.  It was a fantastic field trip, even though we got back late (sorry to the parents and siblings who had to wait for us after school!)

We seem to have a knack for picking the worst weather day to go on our field trips, so the bus ride and walk in the rain was not so fun, but the Flyover itself was most definitely worth the trip.  You sit in a pod of suspended seats, which move in sync with the film, so you really do feel like you are flying.  I was filled with as much wonder as the kids, pointing out kayakers, hot air balloons, and horses!  It was great to hear the exclamations of recognition: “Niagara Falls!” and “There’s the CN Tower, we must be in Toronto!”  At points we were sprayed with mist and scents, and as someone who spent many summers on the prairies growing up I think they got the smell of the wheat field spot on!

Lots of the students wrote about Flyover Canada on our blog, check it out to read their perspectives.  I also saw that Flyover is offering discounts during spring break, so you might want to visit as a family.  Lots of the students wanted to ride again, so I’m sure they would be happy to go back!