Learning About our Needs

When we returned from Christmas holiday we did a social studies mini-unit about needs.  We discussed the basic needs all people have for food, air, water, shelter, clothing and safety.  Then we talked about how once your basic needs are met, you need to meet your emotional needs to feel happy.  The emotional needs are Belonging, Freedom, Power (feeling good at something), and Fun.  We talked about a different emotional need each day, and brainstormed ways we could fill that need.  We discussed how everyone fills their needs in different ways, but we need to make sure that they way we fill our needs doesn’t hurt anyone else.

Toys Go Out

Mrs. Clark recommended this book by Emily Jenkins as a read-aloud and we are loving it!  It is about three toys and the adventures they have when their little girl isn’t looking.  Stingray, Lumphy the Buffalo, and Plastic (who we discovered is a ball) have lots of fun together.  Yesterday we finished chapter three.  Lumphy got covered in peanut butter on a picnic, and hid in the closet because he was afraid of the “terrifying bigness of the washing machine”.  We all laughed out loud picturing Lumphy stuck headfirst in a running shoe with his bottom stuck up in the air.  He was freed by the one-eared sheep who likes to chew on laces, and decided to let himself be found when he heard the little girl crying.  The washing machine turned out to be friendly, and sang him a song about “a roughy, toughy buffalo” which he quite enjoyed.  The next weekend Lumphy deliberately stuck his face in the jam jar so he could visit the washer again!

Winter Scenes

First of all, Happy New Year!  We’ve been back for two weeks and we have been busy at school, even though I haven’t put up a post.  I will try to do some catching up this week!

Winter weather has finally arrived in Vancouver– it must be because we made some wintery art last week.  We used torn tissue paper to create the soft look of a winter scene.  We brainstormed possible things you might see in winter, then students were able to make their own choice for the subject of their art.  The only requirement was they had to have a background and a foreground.  We had a great variety of images.  See a few below!

Happy Holidays!

I wanted to thank you all again for the very thoughtful class gift.  I decided to buy a Kobo e-reader.  It’s something I had been considering, and now I will think of this lovely class every time I use it.  I still love physical books and will always love curling up with a book, but being able to put books on my Kobo will be wonderful when I travel; it only weighs 200 grams and holds hundreds of books!

I hope you all have a restful holiday.  Have fun with family and friends, catch up on sleep, eat tasty treats, and find some time to curl up with a good book!

Gingerbread Man on the Loose!

Continuing our gingerbread activities, yesterday we baked cookies.  (Thanks to the moms who helped!)  Students got to roll out the dough, cut out a gingerbread boy or girl, and decorate it before it went in the oven.  We used the scraps to make a giant gingerbread man, and left him cooling in the staffroom after school yesterday.  When we went back this morning to eat him, all that was left was a crumb!  But there was also a note saying “Run, run as fast as you can, you can’t catch me, I’m the gingerbread man.  Look in Jeff’s Office”.  Our gingerbread man had gone on an adventure!  Fortunately, he left notes so we tracked him to the library, the dance studio, the art room, and finally into the office.  Mrs. Bayntun said she smelled something really good yesterday when she was working, and what did we find hiding under her desk?  The gingerbread man!  We ate him as soon as we got back to the classroom so he couldn’t escape again!